Watch Kate’s Story.

Watch Kate convulse.

Kate’s Third Year of Gadolinium Toxicity.

“Gadolinium toxicity destroyed my health, took everything I had, and caused me to experience more loss than anyone will ever know. I was only 23, and I mistakenly thought MRIs were safe. I was on track for a lovely life, an exciting career, & future children, but here I am, in my late 20s, fighting a daily battle because of one GBCA that I politely asked the techs not to give me. They refused and injected me anyway, as if they had more rights to my body than I did.”

— Kate, 12/2024

Before and after gadolinium toxicity: both images are with no makeup & hair worn naturally.

“Gadolinium destroys the skin, snaps the hair off your head, ages you prematurely, eats away at your bones, and is generally not recommended if you ever want to be hot! Or smart! If you like being hot and smart, or if you like anything about yourself for that matter, don’t allow another person to poison you.” - Kate

From the American College of Radiology Decision Tree: Proof that Kate’s contrast MRI was a non-indicated medical overreach

In 2020, only one week prior to’s second letter to the FDA, Kate was injected with gadolinium contrast dye for an optional MRI scan. She was never offered an MRI without contrast, even though she inquired about this before regrettably undergoing her first and only MRI of her lifetime. She believes that medical professionals refusing her request for an MRI without contrast was a violation of human rights and informed consent because she was never informed that her bloodstream would be filled with a neurotoxic heavy metal that embeds in the body and organs of every individual who receives it. If she had any knowledge of this, a single inkling of transparency, or if she would have at least known that MRIs could be performed without contrast, she would have declined the MRI with contrast altogether.

In addition to this, while creating, Kate uncovered a troubling irony: the MRI with contrast was never indicated for the symptoms she initially presented—tingling in her hands and feet. Such symptoms typically warrant a spine or lumbar spine MRI without contrast, not a brain MRI with contrast (see photos below for confirmation). Shockingly, the neurologist admitted the decision to order the brain MRI with contrast was based solely on her being a young woman, rather than on her actual medical needs. This practice of gender profiling to justify administering a toxic substance, rather than adhering to medical necessity, is harmful and exposes patients to unnecessary risks. No one should receive heavy metal poisoning just because they are a woman.

Through her advocacy work, Kate has discovered this pattern repeating across countless patients’ experiences. Millions remain unaware that they are being injected with a rare-earth heavy metal that accumulates in the body with each injection, all under the guise of compassionate care.

Upon injection of gadolinium contrast dye, Kate was disabled immediately. Within minutes, she experienced transient paralysis of her neck (the region that had just been scanned), a stroke-like event that caused multiple years of cognitive deficits, convulsions, and a movement disorder that can be triggered. Kate believes it is WRONG to damage any organ while simultaneously imaging it. “No bright image is worth brain damage. Imagine if your wedding photographer killed you but proudly showed off the images afterward. It’s insanity.”

After 15 months of nonstop stabbing pains & burning in her skin, brain, and organs, Kate began the YouTube channel, Bonds without Bounds, as a last-ditch effort to explain to her family why, at the time, she believed she may not be alive for much longer. Fortunately, within two months of creating the channel, Dr. Richard Semelka saved Kate’s life by giving her three half doses of chelation spread over 3 months.

Kate is very open about her experience because the ramifications of gadolinium in her life were immediate, obvious, and catastrophic. Before she was administered with a GBCA, Kate was an exuberantly happy person who was extremely satisfied with the direction of her life. She had the opportunity to live creatively and with gratitude every single day, and she would give anything to undo the horrific changes gadolinium inflicted upon her life, her family dynamics, and her body. After gadolinium, she lives a tortured existence.

As a result of this, Kate is unabashedly unapologetic when it comes to calling out the pitfalls of the medical community. It is one thing to be unintentionally bad at your job, but is a travesty to be permanently damaging humanity and calling it healthcare. The pharmaceutical industry needs to be held accountable for the poison that kills people and contrarily feeds it dividends.

Kate’s opinion on chelation is that it saves lives (especially when performed early on)!


Jose & Patient Fairness Act


Parents of Gadolinium Toxicity