Moving Mountains:

Gadolinium Safety Initiatives

  1. Obtain a second FDA hearing because new developments in research have surfaced since the initial 2017 hearing

  2. Require true informed consent each time an MRI with contrast is performed, which entails:

    • the warning of gadolinium deposition disease, its effects in individuals with normal renal function, & admission that certain symptoms are permanent, i.e. skin changes, tinnitus, etc.

    • changing the medication guide verbiage from “retains for months to years” to “retains for life” or “retains indefinitely”

    • receiving the medication guide and consent forms during discussions with your physician, not after you’ve already agreed—such as at the facility, in front of the machine, or while in a gown—when there’s no opportunity to research the dye, which is the current protocol

    • removing the statement, “effects are unknown,” because there is evidence of biological effects & harm, and the only reason effects are not more widely known is because, “Long-term consequences are not studied at all,” according to Dr. Brent Wagner, MD

    • admitting that gadolinium can dissociate and lead to the formation of metal nanoparticles in the body

  3. Correct the ICD10 Codes to reflect MRI contrast, GBCAs, as a source of toxicity

  4. Update contraindications / risk assessment for patients with heightened immune responses due to increased risks of gadolinium toxicity and fibrosis, i.e. those with MCAS, CIDP, CIRS, GBS, those undergoing immunotherapy, or environmental toxicities

  5. Consider biocompatibility & allergy tests for gadolinium since it is technically a heavy metal implanted into the body

  6. Require doctors to have updated education on heavy metals, including gadolinium-based contrast agents & all contraindications or concerns, i.e. proteinuria, kidney tumors, or pre-existing heavy metal toxicity or other conflicts

  7. Add the question, “If you’ve received an MRI with contrast in the past, did you experience any new or worsening symptoms?” to all screening forms to help identify gadolinium toxicity early and prevent patients from reaching an irreversible or life-threatening stage

  8. Mandate an option for emergency DTPA chelation in those who react immediately because if the facility can inject gadolinium, they already have the equipment to administer IV DTPA chelation

  9. Require insurance to cover gadolinium toxicity treatments

  10. Allow patients to legally pursue financial settlements from pharmaceutical companies due to their lack of full disclosure of risks

  11. Obtain medical recognition from SSDI/SSI for disabled patients

  12. Expand gadolinium research & grants since long-term effects are not studied