(Pre-publication) The Brass Tacks of Gadolinium Toxicity: Precipitation of Gadolinium Oxalate from Magnetic Resonance Imaging Contrast Agents (still needs peer-reviewed verification) (Nov 2024).
Article link: https://www.researchsquare.com/article/rs-5054566/v1
Author and Affiliations:
Brent Wagner1, Ian Henderson1, Angelica Benavidez2, Curtis Mowry3, George Bachand4, John Watt5, Martin Kirk3, Karol Dokladny1, Joshua DeAguero1, Gladys Escobar1
1 Kidney Institute of New Mexico, University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center,
2 Center for Micro-Engineered Materials, University of New Mexico,
3 Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, University of New Mexico,
4 Sandia National Laboratories,
5 Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies
Abstract: “The formation of gadolinium-rich nanoparticles in multiple tissues from intravenous magnetic resonance imaging contrast agents may be the initial step in rare earth metallosis. The mechanism of gadolinium-induced diseases is poorly understood, as is how these characteristic nanoparticles are formed. Gadolinium deposition has been observed with all magnetic resonance imaging contrast agent brands. Aside from endogenous metals and acidic conditions, little attention has been paid to the role of the biological milieu in the degradation of magnetic resonance imaging contrast agents into nanoparticles. Herein, we describe the decomposition of the commercial magnetic resonance imaging contrast agents Omniscan and Dotarem in the presence of oxalic acid, a well-known endogenous compound. Omniscan dechelated rapidly and preluded measurement by the means available, while Dotarem underwent a two-step decomposition process. The decomposition of both magnetic resonance imaging contrast agents by oxalic acid formed gadolinium oxalate (Gd2[C2O4]3, Gd2Ox3). Furthermore, both observed steps of the Dotarem reaction involved the associative addition of oxalic acid. Adding protein (bovine serum albumin) increased the rate of dechelation. These reactions could occur at lysosomal pH. Through these studies, we have demonstrated that magnetic resonance imaging contrast agents can be dissociated by endogenous molecules, thus illustrating a metric by which gadolinium-based contrast agents (GBCAs) might be destabilized in vivo.”