Is Small Fiber Neuropathy Induced by Gadolinium-Based Contrast Agents? (2020).

Author: Radbruch, Alexander MD, JD∗,†; Richter, Henning DVM, PhD‡; Bücker, Patrick§; Berlandi, Johannes PhD∥; Schänzer, Anne MD¶; Deike-Hofmann, Katerina MD∗,†; Kleinschnitz, Christoph MD#; Schlemmer, Heinz-Peter MD, PhD†; Forsting, Michael MD∗; Paulus, Werner MD∥; Martin, Louise F. DVM∗∗; van Thriel, Christoph PhD††; Karst, Uwe PhD§; Jeibmann, Astrid MD, PhD∥


Gadolinium Oxide Nanoparticles Induce Toxicity in Human Endothelial HUVECs via Lipid Peroxidation, Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Autophagy Modulation (2020).


Gadolinium-Based Contrast Agent Use, Their Safety, and Practice Evolution (June 2020).